bay area discovery museum

At the Bay Area Discovery Museum, I had the opportunity to work on a large variety of projects. The Museum has an impressive number of events week to week, which all required a significant amount of advertising: onsite at the Museum, the website, and outside ads. Each event needed to feel unique in the branding, so each project always felt new and fun to work on. Most of the work I did while at the Museum, was for print. Web graphics I did were normally .gif animated ads. 

Below you will find some of the various projects I had the opportunity to work on.
Click any image to view larger.


not-a-school tri-fold brochure


holiday posters

gingerbread architecture extravaganza

celebrate the holidays - events poster


fall family classes mailer


corporate partner family day

on-site event sign

one-page flyer

event sticker


birthday party information postcard